ISMCC Media Converter Card
Media converter card is fast Ethernet media converter. It can be inserted into rack-mount chassis or inserted into standalone shell. The converter mediates between a 10/100/1000 Base-TX segment and a 1 OOBase-FX segment.
It is primarily designed for large, higher speed/ bandwidth demanding workgroups that require expansion of the Ethernet network. It can extend the conventional 1 OM Ethernet or 100/1 ODOM
fast Ethernet to 2km-80km via the fast Ethernet fiber optical line. It is high-performance, cost effective and flexible solutions for a wide range
of applications in the field of broadband WAN established by data network operators as Telecast, Netcom, Unicom, or industrial broadband industrial personalized network of government, finance, oil, police, force, railway, power, transportation, education, etc.
• It can be inserted into rack-mount chassis or inserted into stand-alone shell.